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simple web page before hubzilla sign in
Sat, 15 Jul 2023 21:10:02 +0200
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Hubzilla Support Forum
wrote the following
Sat, 15 Jul 2023 21:10:00 +0200
simple web page before hubzilla sign in
Is it possible to create a simple web page for a hubzilla server, which contains a hyperlink to the standard hubzilla sign-in / registration page?
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Sun, 16 Jul 2023 10:12:00 +0200
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+1 on how exactly this works.
A detailed explanation would help.
Myself I am using a home.html to do sthg. similar, but relying on the page header supplied by Hubzilla.
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Thu, 10 Aug 2023 18:53:08 +0200
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M. Dent
I'm not precisely sure what the real root of your intentions are over the past little while. Having watched now for a week and scrolled back through for about the last month, I'm curious at what the goal is with the berating attitude. I've been involved in Hubzilla development for 5+ years. I stepped back from open and active involvement for the last 2 years or so - not out of frustration with the project itself or the maintainers - but more with the entitled attitude of some users and even more so the general lack of awareness by those outside that nothing worth doing comes easy.
In the time of my absence, one thing I learned was, "Never accept criticism from someone from whom you would not request advice." Those who believe their criticisms and nagging are falling on deaf ears couldn't be more wrong. At the same time, the naggers and criticizers are making themselves less relevant and less likely to be attended to.
The deficiencies of this project are well known by the (many) involved contributors over the years. It frustrates them as well. It frustrates them that when they do answer questions and provide information that would be beneficial to be included in the documentation, the person who asked doesn't take a few minutes to help update the doco - or they don't somehow summarize what they've learned in order to help out people in the future.
Maybe instead of complaining about a "lack of documentation" or a "lack of responsiveness," those who are looking for good documentation and responsiveness would find a way to contribute to the project and make it bettor or even just easier for those with info to share it? nah, easier and probably more cathardic to complain and whine, I suppose.
Unless, of course, there is something else going on - like someone creating a fairly anonymous account who has an axe to grind or a competing project they are trying to support and lift up by tearing down the competition?
If someone is frustrated by a lack of documentation or the failure to update documentation - perhaps one way to help would be to create new channel with a WIKI and pull in the existing documentation into the WIKI and start just linking in posts and conversation threads that contain information that could/should be distilled and incorporated. Maybe even invite some people who seem to know stuff and answer a lot of questions to help update the WIKI - then every month or so, update the official doco with useful updates and submit a GIT PULL request. Rather than being a taker from the project, figure out ways that you can GIVE to the project (besides guff and grief).
This is a COMMUNITY project in the truest sense. Helpful and useful participants of the community have always found a warm and kind reception.
Squeaky wheels tend to get tuned out and ignored, but not without doing damage to the community and demoralizing those who are trying to make things better. If that's your goal, by all means, squeak away until finally you reveal your true intentions to do harm to the community - which you eventually will.
But if you are truly trying to help. Find SOME way to positively contribute.
Just my 2 cents...
My thoughts represent myself and nobody else.
AS AN ASIDE: I actually do find that generally your "bug reports" at least contain enough information to get a decent idea of what you expect in comparison to the behavior you're seeing. Thus, at the very least, they are helpful at pointing out where documentation could help alter expectations. If they could be provided with a little less animus and a little more of a spirit of cooperation and collegiality, I think it could be helpful to everyone. But having been down this road and seeing the type of behavior you're exhibiting numerous times in the past, I expect you will eventually just get bored rather than actually motivated to make things better. Sad, really. If even HALF the effort that goes into tearing down were dedicated to productive building up, this project would be light-years ahead of where it is. *sigh*
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Fri, 01 Sep 2023 12:38:13 +0200
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Scott M. Stolz
It's a bit complicated, but you can create pages:
And then in settings, you can change the home page to point to that page.
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