Changing Look for Forum Posts
I have been trying to restyle how forum posts look to give a more traditional forum feel, but I am getting stuck on how to format it correctly. The file
does not appear to control what I want to change. Also, it appears that posting on someone else's wall acts more like a forum post than a forum post does (at least on the front end).
Posting on someone else's wall:- Shows author as the author.
- Title of post shows up correctly as the title.
- User can edit their post (although they can only do that on their own hub and not locally)
- Looks like a forum post.
Posting on the forum:- Attributes the forum as the author, but mentions the author in the body.
- Title does not show up as the title, but is instead shown in the body.
- User cannot edit their post anywhere.
- Does not look like a forum post.

How do I change the forum posts to look more like "posting on someone else's wall?" I am confused on where to change that in the code.