Hubzilla Support Forum Recently I had received an email notifying me of the status of @
Mario Vavti branch "air". However, following the link
#^https://zapalot.in-eu.net/notify/view/19. I could not see the post (for what reason ever):
Merging branch air into dev soon
In case you don't know what branch air is about: it's an almost complete rewrite of the registration and invitation code by @Hilmar R with many configuration options to prevent spam registrations and ease admin approvals by being able to configure
I think air is more or less ready for merging into dev:
* The workflow for most configurations has been simplified (much more work to do here but should be fine for dev)
* Security issues resolved (provided passwords have been saved as hex strings)
* Timezones issues has been mostly resolved (not sure yet what to do with emails - at the moment we send UTC date/time which is not very friendly because people will have to calculate)
* Streamlined default settings (needs more testing and probably minor improvements)
I have had my dev hub running this code for some days now with open registrations (with admin approval) and no email verification (which is not recommended). A one minute registration verification delay and a ten minutes verification time frame has been configured. The result was that non of the bots managed to verify the registration so far...
The transition of the branch "air" to "dev" has the advantage that further code maintenance becomes easier. Individual change proposals can then be offered via MRs for "dev".