Permissions (contribution)
This is a reply to @
Mario Vavti 's post on
Permissions. Since my main channel sees no option to reply, and it's clone plus an independent channel ( two other hubs) do not send out posts, I have to respond this way - Sorry for any inconvenience...
Thank you @
Mario Vavti for picking up this topic!
Your list sounds very reasonable. I'll put it in my own words to make sure I understood it correctly:
- provide a tool to set permission sets to a channell that are default for any individual post resp. specified item type (e.g. blog, wiki, wepage, etc.). These will be assigned transperently to ACL for each new post/item and can be overridden there.
- optionally: allow each setting to be toggled to "locked" (no override allowed, in case someone actually beds a hard channel limit)
- differentiate in ACL between at least read and write/edit (in the recent wiki question in the support channel, this was identified as impossible to differentiate per wiki, just for all wikis of a channel)
- provide standard channel roles settings (the existing channel types are good) for standard use cases. Provide one customizable role for advanced use case needs.
- provide a tool to restrict permissions for specific connections and connection groups (I would consider "role" a more precise, but also more technical wording.). Yes, permission groups could be improved ( easier to understand, starting with a more user-centered name), but work already fine for me. Allow channel permission setting to refer to these groups ("restrict to specified connections or connection lists" - equal to currently: "only whom I specifically allow it"?).
- Would be great: Bulk assign, assign on connection (once you found out what it means, "standard permissions" addon works fine). "Display included users per permission" would be a great advancement, too, ideally also included in ACL to control an item's specific setting before posting.
- A summarized warning that channel standard age overridden for an item/post would be the in icing on the cake...