Comanche Integration of Hubzilla channels into website
Thanks to efforts by @
Haakon Meland Eriksen (Parlementum), I managed to dig a bit into Hubzilla F6 responsive websites and made my first draft of an info page explaining Hubzilla and its environment (Mostly some text content, it is not suited yet for public discussion, and closed access for now).
The idea of going HTML / Comanche code (instead of more comfortable approaches like wordpress) was to demonstrate Hubzilla webpages, but also to have the option to integrate Hubzilla functionality dynamically (which, AFAIK, Comanche was created for). I want to e.g. embed dedicated channels or article collections dynamically into the menu, so content can be added or developed by the community. That will have to be balanced with selective access rights or post clearance / moderation (for legal and practical reasons), but is easier than continuous micro-maintenance of static links / websites only by a dedicated editor. I also hope that this will maintain the perspective for later integration of other community functions with login (e.g. help or discussion channels).
Anyway, can anyone(TM) (Hi, Haakon :wave: ) point me to a hands-on intro on how to integrate dynamic Hubzilla content into a Website (with Comanche?)? Or am I thinking to complicated, and a publically readable channel should just be be embedded using standard HTML? How about other channels that require authentication?