Last week @
Bryan Lunduke posted a video that was quite negative about the Fediverse. But, as usual, he did raise some valid points. I think his point about the unlimited options for trolling being by design is something to think about.
I may not have searched too well for something that could stop spam/trolls, so maybe you should just ignore this message. I know I'm very good at searching, but pretty lousy at finding... But if not, please read on.
As the possibilities for trolls are endless, the hub admin and especially the users should have some powerful tools at their disposal to protect themselves against it. Lunduke makes it seem as if we're completely defenseless against it, but I think he's wrong there.
Seeing how the Fediverse resembles the world of e-mail, I can imagine we could use similar tactics: filter on domain names (already in Hubzilla, I noticed) or usernames, on status (known contact, recent acquaintance or perfect stranger), keywords to block (bit blunt, but may work for some) all the way up to sophisticated scoring like an RBL, Razor/Pyzor and SpamAssassin. Most of this should, I think, be implemented as a plugin/module, because you'd want to use it on all kinds of systems in the Fediverse.
Is there already something like this that I have missed, or is there work to be done? :)
#^The Case Against the FediverseView The Case Against the Fediverse on Odysee