This command line script tests several items required for Hubzilla or Zap to function properly.
It's possible to install Hubzilla and later have the server configuration change on you, causing hard-to-diagnose issues. This script is an easy way to verify that the basics are correct.
1. Check that PHP exists.
2. Check that the path to PHP in the .htconfig.php file matches the location of the PHP binary.
3. Check that the required PHP modules are loaded.
It works with Hubzilla and Zap. It may work with other Zot based products, but has not been tested.
1. Upload the script to your hosting account.
2. Run it on the command line with the path to the .htconfig.php file.
EX: zot-check.sh /apps/hubzilla/.htconfig.php
The script has been tested on Linux (Fedora, Debian), and FreeBSD. Many thanks to @
Witcraft for his help in testing.
Download here: