Be a part of a progressive and ethical project

Hubzilla is free and open source. It's developed and optimized collaboratively since 2012 by people from all over the world. Even if you're not a programmer, you can get involved and make a difference.

Get involved

You're invited to become a member, an associate or a patron of the Hubzilla Association. Select your option for payment here. Send an e-mail to to apply for a membership.

The purpose of the Hubzilla Association is to

  • organise the development and maintenance tasks of the core source code of the Hubzilla software, of support services (forums, wikis etc.) for users and admins of the software Hubzilla and of websites of the software Hubzilla.
  • administer the domain, web server and mail server of the association
  • regulate and controll the financing of the association's expenses incl. applying for funding from authorities and foundations
  • support the developers of official addons, modules, widgets, themes, and other components of the Hubzilla software
  • support approved forks of the Hubzilla software.

The Hubzilla Association has been founded on november 29, 2023. Its statutes can be read here.

  • Contribute to the translation of the Hubzilla interface (either through Transifex or through the app I18n (< Link should be added >) within Hubzilla which is under developpment but which can already be used).
  • Improve the translation of the User Documentation in the core repository.
  • There are three ways to support Hubzilla users:

  • Write a User Tutorial in your language so we can list it here.
  • Contribute to the User Documentation in the core repository.
  • Answer the questions in the Hubzilla User Support Forum.
  • Help us to solve the issues:

  • Become a member of the developper team for the Core part of the software code, along with Mario Vavti and < placeholder >. A documentation of the api is found here: You can follow discussions regarding the Core developpment in the forum
  • Develop some addons for Hubzilla and make them available to the Hubzilla users.
  • Develop some templates for Hubzilla and make them available to the Hubzilla users.
  • Develop some widgets for Hubzilla and make them available to the Hubzilla users. Here's a how-to:
  • Become a member of the team which administers the website along with RockyIII and Emanuel.